
Showing posts with the label yoga

Relevansi Ajaran Bhagavad Gita di Era Digital: Panduan Hidup Bermakna dalam Dunia Modern

  Relevansi Ajaran Bhagavad Gita di Era Digital:  Panduan Hidup Bermakna dalam Dunia Modern Apakah anda pernah membaca Bhagavad Gita lebih serius daripada membaca novel atau berita online? Bhagavad Gita, yang sering disebut sebagai Gita, adalah salah satu teks sakral dalam tradisi Hindu yang merupakan bagian dari epos Mahabharata. Teks ini berbentuk dialog antara Pangeran Arjuna dan dewa Krishna, yang berfungsi sebagai kusirnya. Dalam dialog ini, Krishna memberikan ajaran-ajaran spiritual dan moral yang mendalam kepada Arjuna, yang ragu dan bimbang di medan perang Kurukshetra. Makna Bhagavad Gita Dharma (Kewajiban): Gita mengajarkan pentingnya menjalankan dharma atau kewajiban seseorang tanpa terikat pada hasilnya. Ini mencakup kewajiban moral, sosial, dan spiritual yang seharusnya dipenuhi oleh setiap individu. Karma Yoga (Jalan Tindakan): Gita menekankan konsep karma yoga, yaitu melakukan tindakan tanpa keterikatan pada hasilnya. Fokus pada proses dan tanggung jaw...

Meditation to find inner peace

There are several ways that we can achieve a better life physically and mentally, even in a spiritual context. Apart from doing activities based on rationality, we need to take a break from time to time. It is not only our body or body that needs rest, but also our soul and mind. There are times when we simply do meditation because not everyone is good at yoga. You only need to find a quiet place in one of your rooms, whether at the home, office, apartment, or when you are enjoying the waves on Sanur beach, Bali. By chance, you are in one of the beautiful mountains in Europe, Africa, India, and maybe also in the United States. Sometimes even in the simplest places, you can meditate.  Meditation in Sanur Beach, Bali ( Before you start meditation today, maybe you are interested in knowing the meaning of meditation according to Hinduism. I am very grateful to have found the essence and purpose of meditation according to Hinduism from Wikipedia, also based on Buddhism. ...

Gayatri Mantra a sacred hymn to the glory of mankind and the universe

Gayatri Mantra wallpaper.  Image: The Hindus all over the world must know the Gayatri Mantra as a sacred chant, sung repeatedly, for example, three times or nine times, or even more. This is an ancient Hindu prayer can be regarded as a basic prayer of the Hindus, before they start any other prayer or when Hindus wanted meditation.  Gayatri Mantra can also be done before doing a day-to-day activities. The meaning and the purpose is to find the sense of calm for spiritual and physical, and of course the happiness and well-being.