Meditation to find inner peace

There are several ways that we can achieve a better life physically and mentally, even in a spiritual context. Apart from doing activities based on rationality, we need to take a break from time to time. It is not only our body or body that needs rest, but also our soul and mind.

There are times when we simply do meditation because not everyone is good at yoga. You only need to find a quiet place in one of your rooms, whether at the home, office, apartment, or when you are enjoying the waves on Sanur beach, Bali. By chance, you are in one of the beautiful mountains in Europe, Africa, India, and maybe also in the United States. Sometimes even in the simplest places, you can meditate. 

Meditation in Sanur Beach, Bali (

Before you start meditation today, maybe you are interested in knowing the meaning of meditation according to Hinduism. I am very grateful to have found the essence and purpose of meditation according to Hinduism from Wikipedia, also based on Buddhism.

If we want to find peace and the Chakras within us, there are several ways we can do it during meditation. Both Hindu and Buddhist have some similarities. Dharma is the essence of Hindu and Buddhist spirituality.

Dhyāna in Hinduism means contemplation and meditation. Dhyāna is taken up in Yoga exercises and is a means to samadhi and self-knowledge.

The various concepts of Dhyāna and its practice originated in the Sramanic movement of ancient India, which started before the 6th century BCE (pre-Buddha, pre-Mahavira), and the practice has been influential within the diverse traditions of Hinduism.1)

It is, in Hinduism, a part of a self-directed awareness and unifying Yoga process by which the yogi realizes Self (Atman, soul), one's relationship with other living beings, and Ultimate Reality. Dhyana is also found in other Indian religions such as Buddhism and Jainism. These developed along with dhyana in Hinduism, partly independently, partly influencing each other.2)

The term Dhyana appears in Aranyaka and Brahmana layers of the Vedas but with unclear meaning, while in the early Upanishads it appears in the sense of "contemplation, meditation" and an important part of the self-knowledge process. It is described in numerous Upanishads of Hinduism, and in Patanjali's Yogasutras - a key text of the Yoga school of Hindu philosophy.3)

1),2) and 3):

Even though we have not mastered Yoga, there is no reason not to start meditation with positive results and effects. However, don't be obsessed that we will soon reach perfection as experienced by Yogis.

As previously mentioned, your room can be a "perfect" place to start meditation today and in the days to come. You don't have to do long meditation. As a beginner, meditation with a duration of five minutes to ten minutes is already a good achievement.

I assume some of you are still beginners, so I am sharing this video for meditation today. After you read this simple article, it would be nice if you share this information with friends, family, and your relations on social media. They also deserve to have inner peace and true happiness like you will experience in the near future.


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