Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana a Hindu temple in the land of four seasons

If you have a wonderful opportunity to visit Europe, perhaps you need to visit The Kingdom of Ganesha or Taman Indonesia, in Brugelette, Belgium. 

You will see the beauty of a Hindu temple Bali, in Belgium, a country of four seasons in Europe. If you are domiciled in Belgium, then you can certainly visit this Hindu temple every season.

Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana in Belgium, Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana, HIndu temple in Belgium, Pura Hindu in Belgium, Pura Hindu di Belgia, Hindu temple in Belgium,
Summer in Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana in Belgium. Image: blog.punjul.com

Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana in Belgium, Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana, HIndu temple in Belgium, Pura Hindu in Belgium, Pura Hindu di Belgia, Hindu temple in Belgium,
                                                Winter in Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana, Belgum. Image: youtube.co

This temple was inaugurated on Monday Umanis Medangkungan (according to the Balinese calendar), which falls on May 18, 2009. The Pemelaspasan (inauguration) of this temple is part of a series of inaugurations of Taman Indonesia (The Kingdom of Ganesha), which is an Indonesian theme park complex covering an area of 5 hectares in the area Parc Paradisio Tourism Park, which has an area of approximately 55 hectares.

Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana in Belgium, Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana, HIndu temple in Belgium, Pura Hindu in Belgium, Pura Hindu di Belgia, Hindu temple in Belgium,
Hindus in Belgium are ready for prayer. Image: tantristory.wordpress.com

The inauguration of this temple is a historic day for the Hindu people who live in Belgium, or Hindus who live in Europe in general because on that day sacred ceremony lasted pemelaspasan (inauguration) Bhuwana Santi Pura Agung, which is located at the Bird Park Parc Paradisio in Brugelette, Belgium. 

The name of this temple was given by Ida Rauh Telabah, a Balinese Hindu priest. Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana in the Bali language has a meaning as greatness that brings peace to the world.
Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana in Belgium, Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana, HIndu temple in Belgium, Pura Hindu in Belgium, Pura Hindu di Belgia, Hindu temple in Belgium,
                        The offering of a Sacred Dance of Bali, at a ceremony Piodalan. Image: biss-key.com

Pura Santi Pura Agung Bhuwana, is expected to bring peace to the whole world. Values ​​of love, peace, and tolerance radiate from this beautiful temple. The history of this temple has an interesting story. Starting from a love of Belgian gentleman, Eric Domb, who visit Bali with his parents in July 1978. As we know Bali is famous for its natural beauty, friendly people, art, culture, and unique traditions.
Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana in Belgium, Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana, HIndu temple in Belgium, Pura Hindu in Belgium, Pura Hindu di Belgia, Hindu temple in Belgium,
                                    Pura is covered by snow in winter.  Image: ciaaattt.blogspot.com

Eric is fascinated with Balinese terraced rice fields, and the natural beauty of Bali, and particularly the art, culture, and traditions of the Hindus in this tropical island, in which Bali is often called the last paradise. Since the holidays, then feeling Eric to Bali is increasingly tempestuous. He repeatedly traveled to the island of the Gods is, and learn the culture of Bali as well as explored other areas in Indonesia.

Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana in Belgium, Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana, HIndu temple in Belgium, Pura Hindu in Belgium, Pura Hindu di Belgia, Hindu temple in Belgium
Sarasvati Day celebrations in the temple.Image: kertawisnawa.blogspot.com

The Bali Hindu temple was built in 2006, by bringing young architect Bali, I Ketut Padang Subhadra. Ketut Padang was helped by the sculptor and engraver of Bali which amounts to 8 people. Over the past 2 years working day and night, in a foggy and snowy atmosphere. 

Thanks to the spirit of "Ngayah" owned by the artists of this temple were finally realized. Ngayah is the volunteer spirit that is in the hearts of the people of Bali to do good works in the tradition of Bali as doing work related to religious activities in temples. The activities include preparing the ceremony, presenting sacred dance, and various other activities, so a ceremony can proceed smoothly and successfully.

Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana in Belgium, Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana, HIndu temple in Belgium, Pura Hindu in Belgium, Pura Hindu di Belgia, Hindu temple in Belgium
Sekaa Gong Santi Buana offering Balinese gamelan (music). Image: mediahindu.net

To ensure the authenticity of temples, and other buildings in the area of the Park Indonesia, the black sandstone imported from Bali, and boulders from the slopes of Mount Merapi, imported from Central Java, Indonesia up to 320 containers. The process of construction of this temple is very unique and has a beautiful story of a feeling of great love, a good-natured man, Mr. Eric Domb, and now will be maintained lovingly by Hindus in Europe.
Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana in Belgium, Pura Santi Agung Bhuwana, HIndu temple in Belgium, Pura Hindu in Belgium, Pura Hindu di Belgia, Hindu temple in Belgium
                                                                         Barong dance. Image: youtube.com

Now, you will see a beautiful Hindu temple in Belgium, and you can pray, meditate or you are interested in getting fond memories of a masterpiece of Balinese architecture, which stands majestically in Europe. Although you are not a Hindu, you will feel true peace in your heart as has been perceived by Eric, a Belgian man who has a heart that is generous, kind, and has conducted Yadnya activities, namely the present house of worship or a house of God for Hindus in Belgium and Europe, and you are free to visit this holy temple.

How to get there?

Parc Paradisio was built in 1993 in the city of Brugelette, 80 km from the city of Brussels. It’s 50 minutes by car from Brussels. Amid the parc Paradisio, there is an old castle with a tower 30 meters high. Brugelette is located on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by the expanse of wheat and corn crops. At first, Parc Paradiso is a tourist bird park, however in the development of parc Paradisio, eventually became the conservation of flora and fauna park, with a collection of 3500 species of animals, and 1500s species of plants and herbs that come from Indonesia. Not surprisingly Indonesian plant species such as banana trees can grow in areas parc Paradisio.


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