Barack Obama pray for world peace at Bali's Hindu Temple

Barack Obama USA president to 44th vacation in Bali since June 23, 2017. Obama visited Bali accompanied by his wife Michelle, their two daughters, sister-in-law, half sister and several family members. They have visited a Balinese art museum in Ubud, enjoying typical Balinese snacks such as Jaja Lak Lak, young coconut ice, watching traditional Balinese dance, painting, also visiting Jatiluwih Tourist Village area. 
Obama, Barack Obama, Obama in Bali, Barack Obama holiday in Bali, Tirta Empul Tempel, Balinese Hindu temple, Balinese Hindu, Jokowi, Candi Prambanan,
Obama arrives at Tirta Empul. Image:
This village is very beautiful because of the beauty of terraced rice fields, and has received recognition as a UNESCO world cultural heritage. While visiting the ARMA Museum, Obama also visited a Hindu temple, named Pura Dalem Peliatan. At this temple Obama worshiped in accordance with the Hindu Balinese ordinances.

Obama, Barack Obama, Obama in Bali, Barack Obama holiday in Bali, Tirta Empul Tempel, Balinese Hindu temple, Balinese Hindu, Jokowi, Candi Prambanan,
Michelle Obama at Tirta Empul. Image:
Agung Rai, the owner of the ARMA Museum, sees a look of happiness on Obama's face while driving Obama and his family on foot from the museum to the temple area. As reported, before praying, Obama gets an explanation of how to pray from Agung Rai. Obama is also wearing Balinese traditional dress on praying.
Obama, Barack Obama, Obama in Bali, Barack Obama holiday in Bali, Tirta Empul Tempel, Balinese Hindu temple, Balinese Hindu, Jokowi, Candi Prambanan,
Holly Spring (fountain shower) at Tirta Empul. Image: also reported, Obama took a sitting position with both hands cupped. Then he was given flowers as usual Hindus praying in temples. Prayer is then recited in a quiet mood and everyone is praying in their hearts.

To the reporters Agung Rai explained that "Here does not talk about religion (Hinduism) but how to relate to nature, that's our way in the East. Pray still according to each other's beliefs, "Obama and family pray according to the US president's confidence. Agung also tells us that Obama is praying for world peace.

Obama also admired the concept of Tri Hita Karana is believed Balinese Hindu society, which is about the harmonious relationship between man and nature, God and fellow human beings.

Obama meets fans at Pura Tirta Empul

After enjoying the thrilling rafting on Ayung River, Obama and family also visit Pura Tirta Empul and Gunung Kawi Temple, Tampaksiring, Gianyar Regency. Pura Tirta Empul is one of the oldest temples in Bali. In this temple, Obama did not enter the main area of this temple, but Obama's wife and two daughters looked around at the temple which has 21 water showers. If you bathe under one of these showers, you will be sanctified and enlightened to step into a brighter future.
Obama, Barack Obama, Obama in Bali, Barack Obama holiday in Bali, Tirta Empul Tempel, Balinese Hindu temple, Balinese Hindu, Jokowi, Candi Prambanan,
Obama & Michelle. Image:
Obama also admired the concept of Tri Hita Karana is believed Balinese Hindu society, which is about the harmonious relationship between man and nature, God and fellow human beings.

After enjoying the thrilling rafting on Ayung River, Obama and family also visit Pura Tirta Empul and Gunung Kawi Temple, Tampaksiring, Gianyar Regency. Pura Tirta Empul is one of the oldest temples in Bali. In this temple, Obama did not enter the main area of this temple, but Obama's wife and two daughters looked around at the temple which has 21 water showers. If you bathe under one of these showers, you will be sanctified and enlightened to step into a brighter future.
Obama, Barack Obama, Obama in Bali, Barack Obama holiday in Bali, Tirta Empul Tempel, Balinese Hindu temple, Balinese Hindu, Jokowi, Candi Prambanan,
Main Entrance of Pura Tirta Empul. Image:
In this sacred area Michelle and family wears a kamen cloth. This is indeed required for tourists and pilgrims if entering any sacred area like a Hindu temple in Bali.

Pura Tirta Empul includes the cultural heritage area, the historical site of Bali, and becomes part of the subak and temple landscape landscape of the Pakerisan River Basin, which UNESCO has designated as World Cultural Heritage.

After 20 minutes at Tirta Empul, Obama and family continue to Gunung Kawi Temple, located not far from Tirta Empul, which is also adjacent to the Presidential Palace. 

There are interesting things happen when Obama and family enter the Pura Tirta Empul area, there are many tourists who are mostly true fans of Obama. As reported by the Indonesian national daily, Kompas, Ramesh Soruppu, an Indian tourist from Karnataka, is very happy to meet Obama at Tirta Empul and watch Obama's wife wearing Balinese kamas or sarongs when looking at the temple area. Ramesh said enthusiastically, "It's fantastic. We can see Obama in Bali, "
Obama, Barack Obama, Obama in Bali, Barack Obama holiday in Bali, Tirta Empul Tempel, Balinese Hindu temple, Balinese Hindu, Jokowi, Candi Prambanan,
Candi Gunung Kawi. Image:
Similarly Ita, a tourist from Jakarta, is very happy because his desire to see Obama directly into reality in Bali. Ita said happily, "I deliberately went to Bali because I wanted to see Obama. Obama is my idol ". 

Obama, Barack Obama, Obama in Bali, Barack Obama holiday in Bali, Tirta Empul Tempel, Balinese Hindu temple, Balinese Hindu, Jokowi, Candi Prambanan,
Jokowi & Obama, White House. Image:
Obama, Barack Obama, Obama in Bali, Barack Obama holiday in Bali, Tirta Empul Tempel, Balinese Hindu temple, Balinese Hindu, Jokowi, Candi Prambanan,
Candi Prambanan, a beautiful Hindu Temple, Central Java. Image:

Obama and his family will then continue their journey to Central Java and Yogyakarta. When they vacation in Yogyakarta, Obama is planned to visit Borobudur Temple, a largest Buddhist temple in Southeast Asia. Obama will also visit Prambanan Temple, a very old Hindu Temple on Java Island, Indonesia. 

  The series of trips Obama and family in the Central Java region will end with a lunch with the President of Indonesia, Jokowi in Bogor Palace, West Java. Perhaps Obama will describe "a wonderful spiritual journey" while enjoying the beauty of nature, art and culture in Bali.

Other interesting article about Barack Obama:

Obama enjoy a thrilling rafting in Ayung River, Bali


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