Candi Prambanan a beautiful Hindu temple in Yogyakarta, Java Island

Do you want to see the majesty of Hinduism outside India? You can find it on the island of Java, Indonesia, a beautiful Hindu heritage, Candi Prambanan. The temple is very beautiful, that you should visit in the near future. 

If you vacation in Indonesia, in addition to (an island with a population of Hindus), you need to visit Yogyakarta, Java. Not far from Yogyakarta, you can make a pilgrimage to a Hindu temple. Prambanan temple also called Lara Jonggrang, is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia, which was built in the 9th century BC.

Based on the inscription Mantiasih, Siwargha, and a short inscription on the Prambanan temple, it is known that the founder of Prambanan temple is Sri Maharaja Rakai Pikatan. This temple was built in the ninth century AD, at the time of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom.
Lord Shiva, Hanuman, Hinduism, Candi Prambanan, Hindu temple, Vishnu, Brahma, Ramayana, Hanuman, Yogyakarta, Beautiful Hindu temple,

Candi Prambanan. Image:

Prambanan is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia, once known as one of the most beautiful temples in Southeast Asia. 

Lord Shiva, Hanuman, Hinduism, Candi Prambanan, Hindu temple, Vishnu, Brahma, Ramayana, Hanuman, Yogyakarta, Beautiful Hindu temple,
Spectacular sunset in Prambanan. Image:
The architecture of the building is tall and slender shape in accordance with Hindu architecture in general with the Shiva temple as the main temple has a height reached 47 meters towering in the middle of the complex cluster of temples are smaller. As one of the grandest temples in Southeast Asia, Prambanan temple is the main attraction of tourists visiting from all over the world.

Lord Shiva, Hanuman, Hinduism, Candi Prambanan, Hindu temple, Vishnu, Brahma, Ramayana, Hanuman, Yogyakarta, Beautiful Hindu temple,
Full moon in Prambanan. Image:
This temple is dedicated to Trimurti, the three major Hindu Gods: Brahma as God the Creator, Vishnu as the preserver god, and Shiva as the god of destruction. Based on the inscriptions Siwagrha original name of this temple complex is Siwagrha (Sanskrit which means 'The house of Shiva'), and indeed in garbagriha (main hall) of the temple sits a statue of Shiva Mahadeva three meters high which shows that in this temple of Lord Shiva are preferred.

Prambanan temple is divided into 3 parts. The third part of it is the first page or offal, the second page or mid, and the third page or Jaba (the outermost part of the Temple). The temples that you can see in the Prambanan temple complex of which are Shiva Mahadeva temple, the temple of Vishnu, Brahma Temple, Temple Geese, Nandi temple, and the temple Garuda.
Lord Shiva, Hanuman, Hinduism, Candi Prambanan, Hindu temple, Vishnu, Brahma, Ramayana, Hanuman, Yogyakarta, Beautiful Hindu temple,

Relief in Candi Prambanan. Image:

According to the inscription Siwagrha, this temple was built in about 850 BC by Rakai Pikatan, and continue to be developed and expanded by Balitung Maha Sambu, during Medang Mataram kingdom.

The temple complex is located in the district of Prambanan, Sleman and sub Prambanan, Klaten, approximately 17 kilometers northeast of Yogyakarta, 50 kilometers southwest of Surakarta and 120 kilometers south of Semarang, exactly on the border between the provinces of Central Java and Yogyakarta. 

It is very unique, Prambanan temple is located in the administrative area Bokoharjo village, Prambanan, Sleman, while the entrance to the Prambanan temple complex located in the village administration Tlogo, Prambanan, Klaten.

Lord Shiva, Hanuman, Hinduism, Candi Prambanan, Hindu temple, Vishnu, Brahma, Ramayana, Hanuman, Yogyakarta, Beautiful Hindu temple,
Ramayana dance in Prambanan. Image:
Name of Prambanan, is derived from the name of the village where the temple stands, believed to be the change of the name of the dialect of Javanese language of the term theology Hindu Para Brahman means "Brahman Supreme" is Brahman or the eternal realities highest and greatest that can not be described, which is often equated with the concept God in Hinduism.

Another opinion considers the Brahman may refer to the heyday of the temple was formerly filled by brahmins. Another opinion put forward the notion that the name "Prambanan" comes from the root word mban in the Java language that is meaningful to bear or have a task, refer to the Hindu gods who took on the task to organize and run the harmony of the universe.

Lord Shiva, Hanuman, Hinduism, Candi Prambanan, Hindu temple, Vishnu, Brahma, Ramayana, Hanuman, Yogyakarta, Beautiful Hindu temple,
Hanuman, a character in Ramayana dance. Image:
There are a total of 240 temples in the complex of Prambanan. The entrance to the building complex is located in the four corners of the wind direction, but the direction toward the building is to the east, the main entrance of this temple is the east gate. Prambanan temple complex consists of:

There are 3 Trimurti temple: the temple of Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma
There are 3 Wahana temple: temple Nandi, Garuda, and Geese
There are 2 Apit temple: located between rows of Trimurti temples and temples rides in the north and south
There are 4 Kelir Temple: located in the 4 direction right behind the entrance to the inner courtyard or the core zone
Lord Shiva, Hanuman, Hinduism, Candi Prambanan, Hindu temple, Vishnu, Brahma, Ramayana, Hanuman, Yogyakarta, Beautiful Hindu temple, Jokowi
Jokowi, the president of Indonesia gave a speech at the ceremony Hindu (Nyepi) at Prambanan. (
There are 4  PatokTemple Stakes: located at the 4 corners of the pages or the core zone
There are 224 temples Perwara: 4 rows are arranged in concentric with the number of temples from the innermost to the outermost rows: 44, 52, 60, and 68.
Lord Shiva, Hanuman, Hinduism, Candi Prambanan, Hindu temple, Vishnu, Brahma, Ramayana, Hanuman, Yogyakarta, Beautiful Hindu temple, Jokowi
Hindu ritual in Prambanan. Image:

The existence of the Prambanan Temple is very impressive, and more beautiful full moon. You can watch the ballet Ramayana, an epic story and a true love of the golden age of Hindu. Ramayana is one of the beautiful attractions that you can see in this beautiful temple.

On the day of Nyepi, the Hindu New year, then you will witness the ceremonies or rites of Hindus who live around Yogyakarta, Central Java and surrounding areas. Is a beautiful memories when you visit Prambanan with your family. You can find the grandeur of Hindu triumph in Java.


  1. I always prefer to visit all the temples in india and i love to take a picture of the beauty, really nice blog thanks for sharing...

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